Eligibility for requesting a radio-off meter is limited to the initial deployment phase of the AMI project and only to residential customers whose meters are affixed to the residence; this does not include residential customers living in multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) where the electrical meters are typically located in meter rooms, or residents with a net meter. Once an advanced meter is installed at any specific property, that type of meter will remain there permanently.

The radio-off request form can only be completed by the owner of the residence.
Please refer to the following link for more information.

Are you the owner of this residence?

Customer Information
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name.
The email field is required.
The phone field is not a valid phone number.
Service Address

Please enter the service address.
Please enter your service postal code.
Billing Address

Please enter the billing address.
Please enter the billing postal code.
Meter Information
The account and meter number can be found on your utility bill. You may have received either a paper copy or a digital version of the bill.
Paper version of a utility bill.
Online version of a utilty bill.
Please enter the meter number located on the bill.
Please enter the account number located on the bill.
Confirm Monthly Cost

Fees associated with radio-off meters are required to cover additional costs of individually reading these meters on-site. These fees have been reviewed and approved by the City of New Westminster Utility Commission and New Westminster City Council.

The fees to disable/re-enable and conduct ongoing meter reading are as follows:
  • Set-Up Fee: $85
  • Exit Fee: $95
  • Meter Reading Fee: $55